Tuesday, January 9, 2007


PSO is Particle Swarm Optimization. A simple but powerful artificial intelligence field. In its simplest form, PSO is composed of a problem space with a certain solution or best position in it. Particles are scattered across this problem space. The particles each have a local fitness value according to their positions relative to the global best position. According to a simple algorithm displayed below, the particles evolve and begin to converge upon the solution to the problem in the problem space.


Let there be n particles, each with associated positions \mathbf{x}_i \in \mathbb{R}^m and velocities \mathbf{v}_i \in \mathbb{R}^m, i = 1, \ldots, n. Let \hat{\mathbf{x}}_i be the current best position of each particle and let \hat{\mathbf{g}} be the global best.
  • Initialize \mathbf{x}_i and \mathbf{v}_i for all i. One common choice is to take \mathbf{x}_{ij} \in U[a_j, b_j] and \mathbf{v}_i = \mathbf{0} for all i and j = 1, \ldots, m, where aj,bj are the limits of the search domain in each dimension.
  • \hat{\mathbf{x}}_i \leftarrow \mathbf{x}_i and \hat{\mathbf{g}} \leftarrow \min_{\mathbf{x}_i} f(\mathbf{x}_i), i = 1, \ldots, n.
  • While not converged:
    • For 1 \leq i \leq n:
      • \mathbf{x}_i \leftarrow \mathbf{x}_i+\mathbf{v}_i.
      • \mathbf{v}_i \leftarrow {\omega}\mathbf{v}_i+c_1\mathbf{r}_1\circ(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_i-\mathbf{x}_i)+c_2\mathbf{r}_2\circ(\hat{\mathbf{g}}-\mathbf{x}_i).
      • If f(\mathbf{x}_i) < f(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_i), \hat{\mathbf{x}}_i \leftarrow \mathbf{x}_i.
      • If f(\mathbf{x}_i) < f(\hat{\mathbf{g}}), \hat{\mathbf{g}} \leftarrow \mathbf{x}_i.

Note the following about the above algorithm:

  • ω is an inertial constant. Good values are usually slightly less than 1.
  • c1 and c2 are constants that say how much the particle is directed towards good positions. They represent a "cognitive" and a "social" component, respectively, in that they affect how much the particle's personal best and the global best (respectively) influence its movement. Usually, we take c_1, c_2 \approx 1 but this need not be the case.
  • \mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2 are two random vectors with each compenent generally a uniform random number between 0 and 1.
  • \circ operator indicates element-by-element multiplication i.e. the Hadamard matrix multiplication operator.

1 comment:

Tarek El-Gaaly said...

LOOOOOOOOOL, friendly inspection!!!